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  • How does one become a Mason?
    To become a Freemason, a man must ask and be referred.
  • I want to become a Mason. What qualifications must I have, and what are the steps taken to become a Master Mason?
    In Canada, a candidate petitioning for the degrees of Masonry must: be at least 21 years of age; be free-born and his own master; be in respectable circumstances; be able to read and write; believe in a Supreme Being; have a good reputation in and conform to and with the laws of the community. In summary: - You must believe in a Supreme Being/Higher power - You must live a moral and ethical life. - You must have a strong desire to make yourself a better man and make your community and the world a better place to live. - You must be tolerant of other religions, cultures, and points of view. - You must have a good reputation in the community. ​ If you have made the decision that you would like to become a Master Mason, the next step is to contact one. - If you know a Mason, ask him. - If you don’t know someone whom you know to be a Master Mason, contact a nearby Lodge. There are few ways to contact Eureka Lodge #103 on this website. - Request a Petition. The person you contacted will take it from there.
  • Will being a Mason help me in my business?
    Probably not. Most Masons base their business dealings on fairness, integrity and honesty. Favouritism in business based solely on mutual membership in the Masonic Fraternity is frowned upon. That being said, friends in any circumstance are friends because of shared beliefs and respect; it’s often easier to do business with someone that you know than with a complete stranger. But if gaining a business advantage is one of the reasons for your decision to become a Mason, you will be disappointed.
  • What is Freemasonry?
    It is the largest and oldest active fraternity in the world. Its aims are to make good men better, through an emphasis on morality, brotherly love, charity, and Truth. It is not a Secret Society, in that its membership rolls are not secret, nor are the times and places of its meetings. Like all fraternities, it has passwords, etc. that allow one Mason, although he may be a stranger, to identify himself as such to another Mason. Many of its lessons in morality and other virtues are passed on to members by way of rituals, symbols and dramatisations. Its members profess a belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
  • How old is Freemasonry?
    Operative Masonry, which includes the design and construction of structures, especially those made of stone, reaches back into the dim recesses of written history, and beyond. Speculative Masonry refers to the educational and moral teachings transmitted to us by our ancient Operative Brethren. Speculative Masonry, which is what is meant today by the term Freemasonry, had its beginnings in the guilds and other associations of Operative Masons. There is no exact date when Speculative Masonry came into being. Suffice it to say that based on the discoveries of very old manuscripts that have been verified by experts we know that Speculative Masonry was being practised many centuries ago.
  • Is there a National Grand Lodge that oversees all lodges in Canada?
    No. Each Province has its own Grand Lodge. The many Lodges located in the cities and towns of each province are referred to as Subordinate Lodges, and their activities, to one degree or another, are governed by the rules and regulations of the Provincial Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon, and are located in Vancouver British Columbia Canada. The Subordinate Lodges have their own set of By-Laws, which however must conform to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge under which they operate.
  • Is Freemasonry a religion?
    No. Many of its teachings are based upon Old Testament Scripture and events, but it does not teach any one “flavour” of religious belief, other than the belief in one Supreme Being. One of the Officers of every Lodge in Langley is the Chaplain, whose duties are similar to those of a Chaplain. It has been said that a common belief in Almighty God unites people, but that religions often divide them.
  • Are there any costs involved?
    Yes. A fee of $200 is payable with your application. Should your application be turned down or not approved for any reason, the application fee is fully refunded. Upon completion of the three degrees, all members are required to pay annual dues of $300.
  • Is Masonry a secret organization?
    No. There is no secret about any of Masonry's aims or principles and all members are free to acknowledge their membership within the fraternity. Meeting locations are clearly and publicly identifiable, and the consitutions and rules are available to the public. However, like many other organizations including your workplace, some of our internal affairs are regarded as private matters for the benefit of members only.
  • Can women join Masonry?
    In Canada, the fraternity recognizes three types of lodges: Regular (exclusively men), Irregular (may include women), and Clandestine (not recognized by a Grand Lodge). The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon is a fraternity of men. We sponsor Masonic organizations for men, women, and youth.
  • Are there Masonic organizations for youth?
    DeMolay International, Job’s Daughters International, and the International Order of Rainbow for Girls offer young men and women ages 10 to 21 opportunities for personal growth and community service.
  • Is Freemasonry an international organization?
    There are over five million Masons worldwide, including almost two million in the U.S. and more than 7,000 in British Columbia. All lodges follow the same principles of Freemasonry, but their activities may vary. Each grand lodge is sovereign and independent; there is no Canadian or international governing body for Freemasonry.
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